For those in a state of grace the moment of the Illumination might very well be a Pentecost (Rom 5:5); for those not in a state of grace it will be a moment of great suffering. This moment for those in a state of grace could very well be the fulfillment of Acts 2:17-21 and Joel 3:1-5 in which God promises to pour out His Holy Spirit of Sacrificial Love and Truth UPON ALL FLESH - all hearts, minds and souls - upon all consciences - causing us to prophesy - speak forth God's fiery Word of Truth , in the hidden, invisible POWER of His Holy Spirit of Truth - Who conquers the lies and deception of satan.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved! (Jn 3:16-17)
The Lord does not delay His promise, as some regard “delay,” but He is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance! (2 Pet 3:9)
Our Heavenly Queen Mother Mary in Garabandal has declared to us that the Illumination of Conscience prepares mankind for God's Great Miracle, which through Scripture we can understand to be Gods promised New Worldwide Pentecost of Acts 2:17-21) , which our popes have prayed for and began implementing, in a special way, through the Vatican II Council.
This Illumination of of Conscience is happening now to many souls and will happen, in a Sovereign Way, as Scripture reveals to us, in the near future! Jesus Christ, Who is Truth and Who is King of kings and Lord of lords - enthroned upon our own hearts, minds and souls - upon our very own conscience - which is His New Temple (1 Cor 6:19, Prov 4:23, Jn 1:1, 14, Mk 10:8) is our Hope, and Hope does not disappoint for the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (of Truth) Who has been given to us! (Romans 5:5) In this way are we set free from satan.
Our God promises us a New Worldwide Pentecost - the outpouring of His Holy Spirit of Truth upon ALL FLESH into our own hearts, minds and souls. - our very conscience , when the sun darkens, the moon turns to blood, the stars do not give their light, during an earthquake (a great shaking within our own selves- see Heb 8:8-13, Heb 12:25-29). His promised Illumination and Great Miracle will rise our dead dry bones back to life in His Holy Spirit of Truth, causing us to become a Vast Army of Truth, united as One Flesh, going forth in proclamation with our King Jesus, and He, with us, in us, and going forth through our mouths, from our hearts, conquers satan's lies and deception, setting mankind free in His Truth, in a Sovereign Way!!
(EZ 37:9-10, Acts 2:17-21, Joel 3:1-2, Mk 16:20, 2 Thess 2:8, Rev 19:12-16, 1 Cor 3:9, Rom 8:19)
For all creation awaits, with eager expectation, the revelation of the Children of God! (Rom 8:19)
Our King Jesus teaches us the following: He (satan) was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the "father of lies"! (Jn 8:44) “If you remain in My (fiery) Word (of Truth) you will truly be My disciples, (disciplined in My teaching of Truth) and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free! (Jn 8:31-32)
I am Truth! (Jn 14:6)
Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit (of Truth) within you, and all creation awaits with eager anticipation, you, the Children of God - your revelation!! If the Spirit of the One Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One Who raised Christ from the dead, will give life to your mortal bodies also, through His Spirit (of Truth) that dwells in you (1 Cor 6:19, Rom 8:11, 19)
When our King Jesus - Who is Truth Himself, is enthroned upon our own hearts, minds and souls - our very own conscience (God's New Temple) - in the POWER of His Holy Spirit of Truth - as King of Kings and Lord of lords, then does He conquer satan's lies and deception! In this way does He set mankind free!! And as He declares to us in Acts 2:17-21, in the Last Days, He - King Jesus - in the POWER of His Holy Spirit of Truth - in a Sovereign Way, through the prophesied, Scriptural Illumination of Conscience and Great Miracle will do this!
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of Truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows Him. But you know Him, because He remains with you, and will be in you! I (Truth – Jn 14:6) will not leave you orphans; I (Truth) will come to you! (Jn 14:16-18)
It will come to pass in the Last Days,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out a portion of My Spirit (of Truth) upon all flesh (hearts/minds/souls – My New Temple – 1 Cor 6:19, Song of Songs 8:6, Jn 14:6, Ez 37:9-10, Jn 1:1, 14, Mk 10:8). Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Indeed, upon My servants and My handmaids I will pour out a portion of My Spirit (of Truth) in those days, and they shall prophesy (speak forth My Truth)!! (Acts 2:17-21, Joel 3:1-2, Jn 14:16-18, Rom 5:5)
Our God (Who is Truth) desires to be enthroned upon and reign within our heart, mind and soul - our very own conscience, so He can set us free from satan, and all of his lies and deception!
Set Me (Truth / King Jesus) as a Seal upon your heart ! (allowing Me to set you free from the lies and deception of satan.) (Song of Songs 8:6, Jn 8:44, 31-32, 1 Jn 3:8, Eph 6:12, 16-17, 2 Cor 10:3-6)
My fiery Words of Truth - Flames of the Divine, when placed as a Seal upon your heart, will quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one - keeping us safe in the Time of Trial! I saw another angel come up from the East holding the Seal (of Truth) of the Living God. Because you have kept My message of endurance I will keep you safe in the Time of Trial, that is going to come to the whole world, to test the inhabitants of the earth. He cried out in a loud voice to the four angels who were given power to damage the land and the sea, “Do not damage the land or the sea or the trees - until we put the Seal (of Truth - Who is King Jesus' Holy Spirit) upon the foreheads (minds) of the servants of our God.” They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or any tree, but only those people who did not have the Seal of God's (Holy Spirit of Truth) upon their foreheads, (minds). (Jn 14:6, Eph 6:16-17, Eph 6:12, 2 Cor 10:3-6, Jn 14:16-18, Song of Songs 8:6, Eph 1:13, Cor 1:22, Jn 1:1, 14, Rev 3:10, Rev 7:2-3, 2, Rev 9:3-4).
Our God keeps us safe in the Time of Trial that will come upon the entire earth!
The Temple, that is the Heavenly Tent of Testimony opened, and became so filled with the smoke from God’s Glory and Might that no one could enter it, until the seven plagues of the seven angels had been accomplished . (Rev 15:5, 8)
The Temple, the Tent of Testimony, is our heart, mind and soul - our very own conscience (1 Cor 6:19) and when God's Holy Spirit of Truth is enthroned there and we praise and glorify Him, in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:23-24, Rev 4:8, 8, 11, Rev 5:12-13) , feasting upon His fiery Word of Truth (Mt 4:4, Rev 3:20-22, Jn 1:1, 14, Mk 10:8), given to us in the power of His Holy Spirit (Lk 24:49), as a Seal upon our mind (Eph 1:13, Rev 7:3, 9:4) to protect us during the plagues of the Last Days.
‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every (fiery) Word (of Truth) that comes forth from the mouth of God.’
Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart, mind and soul - your very conscience) and knock. If anyone hears My Voice (of Truth) and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and feast with him, and he with Me! (Rev 3:20, Mt 4:4)
Our King Jesus declares to us the following! That Heaven, (the Temple of God) is within you! (Lk 17:21, 1 Cor 6:19) and when you enthrone King Jesus, as King of kings and Lord of lords - Who is Truth - upon your own heart, mind, and soul - your very own conscience, He - King Jesus - Who is Truth - enfleshed within you, in the hidden, invisible POWER of the Sword of His Holy Spirit of Truth, goes forth from your mouth conquering/slaying satan and all of his lies and deception - setting the captives free by cleansing them, curing them of all disease, casting out demons, raising the dead dry bones back to life in God's Holy Spirit of Truth!! Is 55:11, Mt 10:8, Ez 37:9-10)
They went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the (fiery) Word (of Truth) through accompanying signs! Jesus Himself, through them, sent forth from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen! (Mk 16:20, Jer 23:29, Jn 14:16-18, Jn 8:44, 31-32, Jn 14:6, 1 Jn 3:8, Jn 8:36, Jn 18:38, 36-37)
Stand firm, taking the fiery Sword of the (Holy) Spirit (of Truth) , which is the (fiery) Word (of Truth) of God, Who quenches the fiery darts (lies and deception) of satan! (Jer 23:29, Eph 6:16-17)
If anyone wants to harm them, FIRE comes out of their mouths and devours their enemies. In this way, anyone wanting to harm them is sure to be slain! (Rev 11:5) (That is "slain" in the power of our God's fiery Word of Truth wielded by the Sword of HIs Holy Spirit - going forth from our mouths! - Alleluia!)
The tongue has the power of life and death! Speak Life (Truth)!
(Prov 18:21, Deut 30:15-20)
They conquered him (satan/lies/deception) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the (fiery) Word of their testimony! (Rev 12:11)
Indeed, the (fiery) Word (of Truth) of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. No creature is concealed from Him, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of Him(King Jesus - Who is Truth) to whom we must render an account. (Heb 4:12-13)
Remember, Jesus Christ, our King -Who is Truth - is coming into the world (Jn 11:27) through us, His Bride, in glorious triumph, and will come in a Sovereign Moment, during the Illumination of Conscience – when He corrects the Conscience of Mankind in His fiery Truth – He Who is King of kings and Lord of lords, conquers/slays all of satan’s lies and deception (which many have believed for far too long) – in a Sovereign Moment, as God Himself – Truth - reveals each soul to itself, as He sees it, as time stands still, in silence.
In this sovereign way, does He – Christ our King- Who is our HOPE – our Champion – our Warrior God - set us free from satan and all of his lies and deception!!
The LORD is a warrior! LORD is His name! (Ex 15:3)
Our King Jesus declares to us! “On the Day of Judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak! By your words (of Truth) you will be acquitted, and by your words (of lies and deception) you will be condemned!” (Mt 12:36-37)
“There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops.." (Lk 12:2)
In one hour all plagues and our judgment will come! (Rev 18:8, 10)
When He broke open the 7th Seal, there was silence in Heaven, for about half an hour. (Rev 8:1)
For when peaceful stillness encompassed everything, and the night in its swift course was half spent, Your all-powerful (fiery) Word (of Truth) from heaven’s royal throne, leapt into the doomed land, a fierce Warrior bearing the sharp Sword of Your inexorable decree, and alighted, and filled every place with death, and touched heaven, while standing upon the earth. (Wisdom 18:14-16)
Our King Jesus - Gods' fiery Word of Truth, comes during the Illumination of Conscience as Warrior, with the Sword of HIs Holy Spirit of Truth, putting to death, slaying all of satan's lies and deception within us, which cause us to sin; and in this way we can understand that our God sets us free, during the Illumination of Conscience of Mankind, by putting sin to death; restoring mankind in NEW LIFE IN Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! (2 Cor 5:17)
On the Day of the Lord, Jesus our King, the Just Judge, will come and reveal our hearts (our conscience) to us as He did to the Samaritan woman at the well. “Come see a man who told me everything I have done." (Jn 4:29)
For those in a state of grace, we can understand that the moment of the Illumination will be a Pentecost (Rom 5:5, Jn 14:16-18, Joel 3:1-5, Acts 2:17-21, Is 6:5-9, Acts 2:1-4); for those not in a state of grace, we can understand that it will be a moment of great suffering.
In the Last Days, our God promises to pour out His Holy Spirit of Sacrificial Love and Truth UPON ALL FLESH - all hearts, minds and souls - upon all consciences - causing us to prophesy - speak forth God's fiery Word of Truth , in the hidden, invisible POWER of His Holy Spirit of Truth - Who conquers the lies and deception of satan.
Our God's Promised New Worldwide Pentecost
‘It will come to pass in the Last Days,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out a portion of My Spirit (of Truth) upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visons, your old men shall dream dreams. Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids I will pour out a portion of My Spirit (of Truth) in those days, and they shall prophesy (speak forth God's Truth)! And I will work wonders in the heavens above, and signs on the earth below: blood, fire, and a cloud of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, (see NASA's article on home page about moon turning to blood) before the coming of the Great and Splendid Day of the Lord, and it shall be that everyone shall be saved who calls upon the name of the Lord (Truth).’ (Acts 2:17-21, Joel 3:1-5)
St. Paul exhorts us to prophesy – speak forth God’s fiery Word of Truth, “I should like all of you to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. In order that the Church (Believers-in-Christ Jesus our King) may be strengthened in all revelation, knowledge, prophecy, and instruction (of God)! If everyone is prophesying, and an unbeliever or uninstructed person should come in, he will be convinced by everyone and judged by everyone, and the secrets of his heart will be revealed, and so he will fall down and worship God, declaring, “God is really in your midst!” (1 Cor 14:5-6, 24-25)
Each year on the 1st Wednesday of Advent, in the Liturgy of the Hours homily, Dr. of the Church, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, declares that in the Middle Coming of Christ, when He (King Jesus - our Heavenly Father's fiery Word of Truth) comes and takes possession of our hearts in the hidden, invisible power of His Holy Spirit (of Truth) we will see the Lord within ourselves and be saved and we will "shout" to the world of our salvation and this proclamation will set others free! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! (Jn 14:16-18, 6:13-15, Jn 8:31-32, Jn 10:10, 27, Mark 13:11)
(this knowledge is significant because during the season of Advent the Scripture proclaims the Return of Christ our King) St. Bernard The Three Comings of Christ
When Jesus Christ our King Who is Truth, becomes enfleshed within His New Temple of our own heart, mind and soul - our very own conscience ( 1 Cor 6:19) , He then REIGNS as King of kings and Lord of lords - enfleshed within our hearts, going forth from our mouths, in sacrificial love, in the power of the Sword of His Holy Spirit of Truth, FILLING OTHERS TO OVERFLOWING WITH HIS TRUTH - slaying all the evil lies and deception of satan, which have held them in captivity for far too long. (Lk 1:35, 39-45, Jer 23:29, Rev 11:5, Rev 12:1-2, 10-12, 17
Our many voices, united as ONE Voice/One Truth, proclaiming God's fiery Word of Truth, in the POWER of His Holy Spirit, ushers in our Heavenly Father God's promised restoration of Earth to Heaven as promised in Revelation 21:8, when, "deceivers of every sort find their lot in the burning pool of fire and sulfur." (hearing God's Voice during the Illumination of Conscience) Alleluia! (Rev 21:8, 2 Pet 3:7, Jer 23:29, Is 30:33, Lk 12:2-3, Mt 12:36-37, 1 Cor 15:51-57)
Jesus last high priestly prayer was to consecrate us in HIs Holy Spirit of Truth! so that His Holy Spirit of Truth would go forth from us, causing unbelievers to believe in Him!
(Father), consecrate them in Truth! Your Word is Truth! So that they (unbelievers) might believe that You sent Me (Truth) and that You love them as You love Me. (Jn 17:17, 18-23)
If anyone wants to harm them (Believers in Jesus), Fire comes out of their mouths and devours their enemies. In this way, anyone wanting to harm them is sure to be slain! (Rev 11:5)
God reveals that in the Last Days, He will pour out His Holy Spirit both in Fire and in Rivers of Life Giving Water!
(Go deeper in understanding: Eph 6:12, 16-17, 2 Cor 10:3-6, Jer 23:29, Rev 11:5, Rev 12:1-2, 10-12, 17, Is 55:11, Matt 10:8, Is 11:4, 2 Thess 2:8-14, , Rev 19:12-16, Acts 2:17-21, Song of Songs 8:6, Is 43:18-21, Jn 7:37-39, Rev 21:12, 5-6, Rev 22:1-5, Ez 47:1-12, Is 61:1-4, Is 11:1-4, (all of Is 61 and 11), Ps 1)
Fr. Philip Bebe, in his book, "The Warning" (a.k.a. Illumination of Conscience), concurs with St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Dr. of the Church) and also states that the Illumination of Conscience will occur during a moment when time will stand still and that it will be a "Correction of the Conscience of Mankind" which will prepare us for the Great Miracle - which will come after the Illumination, and we can understand the Great Miracle to be God's promised New Worldwide Pentecost.
Fr. Philip Bebe's book, "The Warning" can be accessed free on-line as a pdf OR purchased in book format for under $10 through The 101 Foundation.
The Warning on pdf -
101 Foundation link:
Our King Jesus Himself declares to us that the hour will not come like a thief, for those who are "watchful" paying attention to the Signs of the Times ( Rev 3:3 and 1 Thess 5:4-6, 1 Chron 12:33, Mk 4:34, Jer 33:3, Mt 13:10-12, 13, 16-17, Jn 16:13, 1 Cor 2:16) and then the heavens will pass away with a mighty roar and the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be found out. (2 Pet 3:5-10, Rev 21:8, Lk 12:2-3, Mt 12:36-37, Jer 23:29, Wis 18:14-25)
Are you ready, in a state of grace, by continuously repenting of your sin, asking God's forgiveness; so that you are prepared for the coming "Day", "hour" of the Illumination of Conscience, when each soul will hear God's Voice, as time stands still, in silence - so that God can correct our conscience in His Holy Spirit of Truth - delivering us from satan and his lies and deception in a sovereign way?
I hope so. For those who are ready, God has promised to keep us safe in the Time of Trial that is to come upon the entire world - - in order to test the inhabitants of the earth! (Rev 3:10, 1 Thess 5:9).
Scripture directs us that when this Day comes, we are to hold our head up high knowing that our redemption is at hand (Lk 17:25-28) Our God, Who is a Good, Good Father, prepares us ahead of time for everything that is to come! (Jn 16:13, Amos 3:7, Jer 33:3, Mk 4:34, Mt 13:10-11, 13, 16-17)
Because you have kept My message of endurance I will keep you safe in the Time of Trial, that is going to come to the whole world, to test the inhabitants of the earth. (Rev 3:10)
The Coming of the Son of Man
“There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a Cloud (God's voice being heard - see Deut 4:11-12, Acts 1:9-11, 2 Mac 2:8, Rev 1:7, Mt 12:36-37, Lk 12:2-3, Heb 4:11-12, Wis 18:14-25- Heb 13:8, Illumination of Conscience) with power and great glory! But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads, because your redemption is at hand!” (Lk 12:25-28)