On September 23, 2017, God announced His Woman of Revelation 12 in His Silent Heavenly Speech in the sky. (Psalm 19, Gen 1:14-18)
Thousands were abuzz talking about what this could possibly mean. This Great Sign of God's Heavenly silent speech announced in the Heavens, appeared in the sky just 33 days after His given 1st Great American "Diamond Ring" effect total solar eclipse and directly after the Jewish Feast of Trumpets on the First Day of the Ten Days of Awe which is known, to God's Jewish Children to be the day in the future which announces "The Return of our King Jesus!"
All of this happened in the 100th anniversary year of 2017 of the prophetic Fatima Message of the Miracle of the Sun, in the month of September, which is dedicated to Mother Mary under the title of, "Our Lady of Sorrows" - "Sorrows" in Greek means, "birthing". For deeper understanding of this please read and ponder: Revelation 12:1-2, 10-11, 17 and Jn 3:3-8 for deeper insight on the spiritual birthing forth of King Jesus, the Child to us (His Bride), in a New Way, through His Queen Mother Mary, the pregnant Woman of Revelation 12, during the Last Days before the end of the age of this world, as revealed in the Book of Revelation. We can understand this birthing forth to be a "spiritual" birthing forth of Her Child Jesus, in the Breath of Life of His Holy Spirit of Truth, during God's promised New Worldwide Pentecost.
September 23rd, 2017 was the feast day of St. Padre Pio, God's modern-day saint who fully operated and continues to fully operate in the Gifts of the Breath of Life of God's Holy Spirit of Truth, which alludes to God's coming promised New Worldwide Pentecost. Papa Pio prophesied God's fiery Word of Truth to all he met, and God desires His Bride, all Believers in Him, to do as St. Papa Pio did. (Joel 3:1-5, Acts 2:17-21, 1 Cor 14:5-6, 24-25, Zech 8:23, Is 55:11, Mt 10:8, Jer 23:29, Rev 11:5, 12:1-2, 10-12, 17, Eph 6:12, 16-17, 2 Cor 10:3-5, Rev 20:10)
September 23rd, 2017 is a significant date for God to announce the pregnant Woman of Revelation 12 to mankind. Not only was it on St. Papa Pio's feast day, It was also the vigil of the feast of Our Lady of Walsingham (Sept. 24th) which has an apparition prophetic message attached to it, which focuses on each family living in God's Divine Will - in holiness. So we can understand our God to be announcing to us that it is time that each family live in HIs Divine Will, just as the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph did.
September 23rd is significant because it was within the triduum of September 26th, which is the anniversary date of September 26th of the "Our Lady of America" prophetic message given by Mother Mary, revealing that America must lead all the nations with purity of heart and we must do so by focusing on the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family as a model who represent living in God's Divine Will with a pure heart!
For deeper understanding on the apparition of O.L. of America please click on the tab under the main menu titled, "Marian Apparitions."
I invite you to read my book, "Not Like A Thief" in order to understand more deeply the spiritual significance of all the above correlations and "how" God's Great Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 in the sky, given on September 23, 2017 connects to our God's 1st and coming 2nd Great American "Diamond Ring" effect total solar eclipses, as well as the fantastic article written by Catholic writer, Patrick Archbold (linked provided at the right) which reveals how the Great Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12, in the sky, in God's silent heavenly speech, on this very day appears to have been announcing the coming spiritual re-birthing of our King Jesus, the Woman's (Mother Mary's ) Child, in the hidden, invisible power of the Breath of Life of His Holy Spirit of Truth - to all nations, by the means of the coming prophesied Three Days of Darkness, which prepares mankind for the Illumination of Conscience, which prepares mankind for the Three Days of Darkness, which prepares mankind for the feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, which prepares mankind for God's promised New Worldwide Pentecost Great Miracle which appears will be the Great Miracle promised by Mother Mary through the Garabandal, Spain message of the 1960's and as found in the Bible in: Acts 2:17-21 and Joel 3:1-2 and Revelation 12:1-2, 10-12, 17.